Be Fearless. Inspired. Unstoppable. For Change.

Join Andrew Harvey and Linda Tucker for an unprecedented and unique retreat, exploring
LionHearted Leadership™ and Sacred Activism

Proceeds will support Global White Lion Protection Trust


Be Fearless. Inspired. Unstoppable.
For Change.

A message from Andrew Harvey:

Linda Tucker is for me one of the most inspiring, noble and passionate Sacred Activists on the planet today. I count her as a profound soul sister and a major source of joy and courage for myself and every person who meets her. As many of you know, Linda started the Global White Lion Protection Trust years ago and has dedicated every moment of her life since then to the preservation of Africa’s most sacred creatures, the white lions of Timbavati. In her stunning books, especially the Mystery of the White Lions, Linda has opened up not only the treasures of the African shamanic tradition but her own radical and revolutionary understanding of it, inspired by her great teachers: Credo Mutwa and Maria Khosa.

I have been working with Linda for over 10 years now, taking groups to South Africa with my great friend Jill Angelo and also doing everything I can to help Linda in her noble cause. 

It is with tremendous joy and delight that I announce the merging of Linda’s and my vision of Sacred Activism in an unprecedented retreat.

I will be sharing my latest vision of what Sacred Activism can accomplish in this devastating time of death and rebirth and Linda will be sharing what she has learned from living with the white lions in their natural Heartlands for over two decades. The fusion of our two visions will provide you with a unique set of tools, practices, modalities of action and inspiration at a time when these make the difference between a life of paralysis and fear and a life of joy, meaning and dedication to helping to birth a new world. 

The event we have prepared for you is one that I have long hoped to participate in and I ask all of you who are concerned at the deepest level for the future of the animal world and humanity to do everything you can, not only to participate in it, but to invite your friends to enjoy its radiance. The weekend I did with V (formerly Eve Ensler), Revolution of the Mother, was (as those who were there with us know) both thrilling and galvanizing. This weekend retreat with Linda is a natural successor and part of a series of collaborations I am planning with the extraordinary women who are changing our world.

Join us to ignite your LionHeart, the fire of truth in the core of your life.


Register Now For The Retreat

"Be Fearles
s expanded both my heart and consciousness. Andrew’s and Linda’s stirring lectures felt intimate, aligning us with Source."
 ~ Emily

"Be Fearless ignited and rekindled a fire in my body and soul strengthening my resolve ... Linda Tucker and Andrew Harvey are glorious, powerful and wise sacred teachers blessing us in their relentless call to sacred activism." ~ Diane

"I offer deep gratitude to Andrew and Linda for their beautiful workshop entitled Be Fearless ... There are no words to describe the awesome connection I felt to both of these teachers ... and to all the animal guides we each experience. I was no longer alone on this path." ~ Barbara

LionHearted Leadershipā„¢ and Sacred Activism Retreat Schedule

Session #1


Andrew will present his vision of the world crisis as a global dark night that is potentially the birth canal of a new embodied divine humanity, showing how the birthing force of this humanity is Sacred Activism—the fusion of deep spirituality with sacredly guided action. He will pay special emphasis to what his relationship with Linda Tucker and his own transformative experiences with the white lions have taught him about how vital it is to transform our relationship to Mother Earth by doing everything in our power now to protect her from further destruction. He will speak personally about how the white lions of Timbavati have transformed his understanding of reality and how they offer everyone who turned to them new energy, protection and the deepest possible encouragement and inspiration. 

This initiatory session will include an inspiring and intimate transmission from Linda that shares the dramatic and life-changing events in her personal story, and how she was called to Sacred Activism. Her LionHearted Leadership™ training is inspired by the guidance she received directly from the luminous White Lions whom she has reintroduced to the wilds of their ancestral Heartlands, while drawing on the most ancient shamanic lineage of lion leadership that still exists deep within the hearts of humankind.

Igniting the LionHeart within you, this inspirational training will open the way to joyful reconnection with vitality, resilience and Life itself, as we restore right-relationship with our planet.

As we emerge from the global COVID initiations, LionHearted Leadership™ training is more timeous than ever, helping us chart unfamiliar territories as we gain confidence in following our own paw-prints in a solid, sure-footed path ahead.

During Session #2, Linda will share her vision of the two models of leadership that have dominated human history, Androcles and Hercules. Hercules killed lions and Androcles was transformed by his relationship with a lion. Hercules-based leadership dominates and destroys, while the Androclean vision offers a way out of this madness through reverence and humbled, inspired collaboration with nature. Linda will offer practices from the heart of the shamanic tradition that will enable you to release conditionings and egoic patterns that prevent you from realizing your full and glorious potential as a LionHearted Leader and Sacred Activist. You will be encouraged to send in your questions and problems so that they can be deeply explored on Day Three, Sunday Morning.

Session #2 

Andrew will concentrate on his vision of the five kinds of sacred practice that you will need to train yourself to become a Sacred Activist. He will especially concentrate on the kind of shadow work that Sacred Activists need to do in order to clear themselves constantly of the pain, fear, heartbreak and paralysis that the crises we are in inevitably create. He will offer a great transformative sacred practice from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of Tonglen that will help you with your own shadow and can be done with a partner or in groups to keep your activism inspired and vibrant. He will also share his vision of how Sacred Activists need to create what he calls Networks of Grace, groups of between 8 to 15 people who will keep each other joyful, inspired and focused through all the rigors of our dark times.

Session #3


Session #4


During Session #4, Andrew and Linda will deal with the questions that you have sent in. Drawing on her great book, Lion-Hearted Leadership™, The 13 Laws - Linda will guide you into the Androclean actions that the Global White Lion Protection Trust exhibits on the ground. Participants will be invited to commit unshakably to one Androclean act in service of humanity and the creation.  

We will close with ritual meditation drawn from the African shamanic tradition that will bless you and fill you will the sacred energy of the white lions. 

Be prepared to learn how to transform your whole life into a roar for justice, harmony and compassion!


Register Now For The Retreat

Prayer for the White Lions

You are the great beasts of the sun
You are as lovely as blooms that spring from the earth
You are as magnificent as the sun at dawn
O Lions that are white
Make our hearts as great as yours!

- African Shamanic Prayer

Meet Linda Tucker

After being rescued by a Tsonga medicine woman from a life-threatening encounter with a pride of lions in 1991, Linda Tucker gave up a career in international marketing to become a conversationist.

Since this time, she has dedicated her life to the urgent protection of the critically endangered White Lions, venerated as the King of Kings by African elders. Despite their rarity and cultural importance, the White Lions have no protected status and may be trophy hunted in the wild and in captivity.

She is the founder of Global White Lion Protection Trust and most recently the Linda Tucker Foundation which supports ecosystems and human systems for healthy living and a healthy planet.

Meet Andrew Harvey

Andrew Harvey is Founder and Director of The Institute for Sacred Activism, an international organization focused on inviting concerned people to take up the challenge of our contemporary global crises by becoming inspired, effective, and practical agents of institutional and systemic change, in order to create peace and sustainability.

Sacred Activism is a transforming force of compassion-in-action that is born of a fusion of deep spiritual knowledge, courage, love, and passion, with wise radical action in the world. The large-scale practice of Sacred Activism can become an essential force for preserving and healing the planet and its inhabitants.

Be Fearless. Be Inspired.
Be Unstoppable. For Change.

LionHearted Leadershipā„¢ and Sacred Activism Retreat

Proceeds will support Global White Lion Protection Trust

Lifetime Access



Four pre-recorded Sessions with Andrew Harvey and Linda Tucker

Proceeds will support Global White Lion Protection Trust


50% Complete

Two Step

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